Our mission is to promote campus and community cohesion through service-oriented events
designed to benefit the Tallahassee community. Recognizing the vital support provided by
residents, businesses, and organizations to the three campuses, we aim to offer students from
FSU, FAMU, and TSC an opportunity to express their gratitude through community service.
The Big Event Tallahassee is the largest student-led service organization in Tallahassee, uniting
hundreds of students from Florida State University, Florida A&M University, and Tallahassee
State College. Our service events include The Little Event in the fall and The Big Event in the
During The Little and Big Event, FSU, FAMU, and TSC students will travel to various nonprofit
organizations, businesses, and residences around Tallahassee to help out with anything they
may need. Many community members normally request (but are not limited to) gardening,
raking, leaning, mulch spreading, weeding, painting, sorting donations, archival work,
and general spring cleaning. If you have any questions about this list or what else may be
included, please feel free to contact us.