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As volunteers, you will have the opportunity to join hundreds of students, faculty, and staff from FSU, FAMU, and TSC to engage in meaningful service throughout the Tallahassee community.Through our partnerships with residents, businesses, and nonprofits in Tallahassee, there are a variety of ways for everyone to be able to give back to their community in a unique and positive way.

Whether you are volunteering individually or with a team, please click the Volunteer Interest Form below and follow the directions found there in order to receive updates on our events. If you would like to be a delegate for your organization, click the Delegate Interest Form below and follow the directions found there to sign up.

Register Here
Register Here

Greek and RSO delegates will be able to volunteer with the members of their organization as a team. The delegate and organization that brings the most volunteers will win a prize!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact Volunteer Engagement Director Jake Salem (thebigevent.recruitment@gmail.com)